Clock Care & Information

Nine times out of ten a clock that has stopped or is losing time is just the battery!

We recommend the use of known brand alkaline batteries, new and in date. Poor quality or previously used batteries may cause your clock to lose time or stop. Please ensure you insert the batteries the correct way round, following the symbols in the battery compartment. Inserting the battery the wrong way round could cause the battery to overheat and/or leak. Make sure the battery is not pushed underneath the battery terminal as this could create a short circuit and cause the battery to overheat and/or leak. Make sure batteries are replaced regularly to maintain optimum performance and reduce the risk of battery leakage and corrosion. As a general rule, larger clocks with longer heavier hands will use more batteries as they consume more power.

Please refer to our video explaining the common mistakes people make when choosing a battery for their clock.

Your clock is designed only for domestic and light commercial indoor use. It is not suitable for outdoors. It should not be used in an environment with high humidity or where there is intense heat or over exposure to sunlight such as a conservatory, summer room, greenhouse, shed, swimming pool, bathroom, from direct sun through a window, above a cooker, radiator, fire, wood burner or appliance. Humidity and intense heat can cause clocks, cases and parts to melt, contract, warp, discolour and can cause clocks to stop or hands to come loose. Damage caused by these environments/conditions are not warranted, therefore no exchanges can be made, nor can repairs be carried out.

If elements of a clock have corroded then the clock has been hung in a place where it has been able to absorb moisture. This could be moisture from an environment with high humidity such as a conservatory/summer room/greenhouse/shed/swimming pool/bathroom/above cooker or appliance/outdoors. In all of these cases, very high temperatures will then accelerate corrosion. Some will withstand moisture and heat better than others, it does depend on the materials used in any particular clock. Our clocks are warranted for domestic and light commercial indoor use only, and should not be used anywhere that they may be damaged by moisture/water/heat, such as conservatories/summer rooms/greenhouses/sheds/swimming pool/bathrooms/above cookers/outdoors. Damage caused by these environments/conditions are obviously not warranted, therefore no exchanges can be made under the warranty, nor can repairs be carried out as the corrosion from some parts have probably already affected and damaged others parts and materials.

Some of our clocks have a metal hanging rim and some have built-in metal or moulded acrylic brackets. Ensure you use a wall fixing appropriate for the type of wall and type of clock hanging system. Ask a professional builder or tradesman if you are unsure what sort of wall fixing you should use. Make sure your wall is strong enough to hang your clock from and ensure your suitable fixing is anchored securely to the wall. Your fixing must have a suitably large lip on it to prevent your clock from falling off it.

When cleaning, we recommend a light dusting with a soft, clean and dry cloth only. The use of liquids and cleaning agents may damage the finish of your clock.

All Newgate clocks purchased directly from Newgate World are guaranteed for 2 years from the date of purchase. Space Hotel and Jones clocks purchased directly from Newgate World are guaranteed for 12 months from the date of purchase. This warranty includes mechanical and material failures, but does not include damage caused by improper use, tampering, environmental damage, physical damage or battery leakage. If your clock has a genuine defect that satisfies the conditions of the warranty and is within the warranty period we will, at our discretion and without cost to you, complete the necessary replacement of parts and/or rectify a fault or action any repair as identified by one of our fully trained technicians, or replace the clock for the same, or similar clock should an exact replica not be available.

All other rights resulting from the fault of our services are expressly excluded. This warranty gives you specific legal rights. You may also have other rights, which vary from country to country. In the EU nothing in this warranty will affect your statutory rights.

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